Isaac and Ede Antique Prints
Ehret Lily

George Dennis Ehret.

Sherardia... Lilio-Narcissus... Arachidna.

16 x 22 inches

This magnificent botanical plate is one of Ehret's finest. He began his career as a botanical draughtsman in Germany, where he was born in 1708, but gained notoriety when he came to England and started working for the founder of the British Museum, Sir Hans Sloane. Such was his reputation that he contributed to many of the most important botanical publications of the day including Johannes Weinmann's monumental Phytanthoza Iconographia and Trew's Hortus Nitidissimis. He was professionally exploited by Weinmann and quit his employ having finished only 500 of the required illustrations. In England he secured more favourable patronage and soon became the undisputed master of botanical illustration. It was his own publication of 15 fabulous plates in the Plantae et Papiliones Rariores, however, for which he is best remembered.

When the botanist and explorer Joseph Banks returned to England from Labrador and Newfoundland in 1768 it was Ehret whom he chose to paint the specimens onto vellum. Ehret also worked on many of the plants at the Chelsea Physic Garden and it was in Chelsea that he finally died in 1770. His drawings and paintings can be found in many of the major collections including the V&A, the RHS, Kew Gardens and The Natural History Museum. The eagle eyed collector will even spot Ehret's designs from the 'Plantae et Papiliones' upon china produced at the Chelsea Porcelain factory.


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