Robert Parr after Giuseppe Zocchi A View of the Cathedral Church of Florence, and the Grand Procession of the Host 18 x 12 inches An etching in original, vibrant hand colour engraved by Robert Parr after the painting of Giuseppe Zocchi; published in London by Robert Sayer circa 1750. At first glance this print is a wonderful topographical souvenir of the most famous landmark in C18th Florence. Look closer, however, and we are reminded that it is also an incredibly evocative and lively scene depicting one of the city's major festivals. The Host, representing the body, blood and soul of Christ, is being processed through the streets of Florence as a witness and celebration. Hundreds of clergy form a snake like procession leading around the streets, through the Duomo and into the adjacent Baptistry. Large crowds have turned out to celebrate and marvel at the spectacle which acts as a very reverential, joyful and poignant reminder of our spiritual journey through life and the rewards that await us in heaven. Dominating the whole scene is Filippo Brunelleschi's magnificent dome of Santa Marie del Fiore completed in the C15th but still resplendent to this day. SOLDUnframed |