Vue des Ponts, Neuf et Royal, avec une partie du Chateau des Thuileries.
An etching with original hand colour; produced by Wichnyther in London and published simultaneously in London and Paris in 1761.
This early view of the centre of Paris depicts many of the most famous sites as seen from the Seine looking towards the Pont Neuf and the Pont Royale beyond. It shows the Tuileries Palace to the left and the Isle de France and Notre Dame in the background.
Views such as this were something of a novelty in the middle of the eighteenth century but became essential as people began to travel more and become curious about foreign cities. There was a rapidly expanding market for topographical prints in, amongst other places, London, Amsterdam and Paris and publishing houses often worked in collaboration to produce collectible engravings. The somewhat crude nature of the colouring was typical for the time and suggests that children, often orphaned were used to keep production costs down.