Isaac and Ede Antique Prints
Sparrow Baldrey King's College Cambridge

Samuel Sparrow after Joshua Kirby Baldrey.

The West Front of King's College King's Chapel and Clare Hall, Cambridge.

23 x 18 inches

Completed in 1544, under the reign of Henry VIII, King's Chapel was already 263 years old when this print was etched. It shows the famous west front with Clare Hall alongside, a view that has come to epitomise Cambridge around the world. It is considered to be the finest example of English Gothic architecture and boasts the largest fan vault in the world; little wonder that it remains a major tourist attraction to this day. King's College was originally founded by Henry VI in 1441 and was established for the exclusive, further education of boys from Eton College. Today it educates over 700 students from all over the world.


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