Edward Duncan after W. J. Huggins. To Commodore Francis Augustus Collier C. B. This plate representing H.M. Brig "Black Joke" L.t Henry Downes (Tender to H.M.S. Sybille) engaging the Spanish Slave Brig "El Almirante" in the Bight of Benin, Feb.y 1st 1829 which she captured after a chase of thirty one hours and close action of one hour and twenty minutes, it is most respectfully dedicated. 23 x 18 inches A hand coloured aquatint by Duncan after Huggins, published in London in 1830. This rather remarkable print depicts an honourable victory of the British over a Spanish slave ship. 'Black Joke' was assigned to the West African Squadron of the British Navy with the specific task of chasing slave ships. Over an illustrious 5 year period 'Black Joke' and her crew freed 1000s of slaves including the 467 that were held on board 'El Almirante'. Having been instrumental in the heinous trans-Atlantic slave trade attitudes to slavery had changed by the early C19th and finally, in 1807, the 'Abolition of the Slave Trade' Act was passed, making it illegal to trade in enslaved people anywhere throughout the British Colonies. £950 |