Isaac and Ede Antique Prints
Hunt Lane Caricature Hunt Lane Caricature

George Hunt after Theodore Lane

A Frost
A Thaw

15.5 x 18.5

A pair of amusing caricatures, etched on copper by George Hunt after Lane's designs and published in London in 1827.

The artistic and creative collaboration between Hunt and Lane produced some of the most popular and charming caricatures of the 1820s. Lacking the vulgarity and sensationalism of some of their predecessors (such as James Gillray and Thomas Rowlandson) they produced amusing images that would neither scandalise or offend and the quality of work was consistently high. In these images we are introduced to the predicaments of extreme winter weather. In A Frost we witness the calamitous consequences of venturing forth onto the ice. A wretched fellow has fallen through the ice after attempting to skate across a pond. Drenched to the skin, and presumably frozen, he is offered comfort by three dodgy looking gentlemen from The Humane Society in the shape of good gin and brandy balls. A Thaw, by comparison, shows us the effects of a sudden melting of the ice and what happens when one's roof is leaking. A man, (let us assume it's the same chap) is recovering in bed whilst water pours through from the ceiling. Every attempt has been made to catch the water utilising a saucepan, a top hat, a shoe and various pots. An umbrella affords protection on the bed but the cat has been most sensible of all, taking shelter under a stool!

£825 Pair

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