Reeve [&] Sutherland after Westall [&] Wild Royal Residences 11 x 9 inches A series of hand coloured aquatints engraved by Reeve and Sutherland after Westall and Wild, published in Pyne's 'History of the Royal Residences' in London in 1819. Whilst the exterior views of Hampton Court, Kensington Palace and St. James's Palace are all instantly recognisable to the modern eye, this series of finely executed aquatints also gives us a glimpse of the long demolished Carlton House and the earlier version of Buckingham Palace, prior to its extensive C19th makeover. Pyne's 'Royal Residences' would have been one of those ''must have'' books for every private library in the country; the elegant illustrations offering absorbing entertainment after dinner in many a country house. £1800 Set of 6 |